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I'll love you until the day I die, but it will be as one of my closest friends, someone who understands me better than I do myself. " I'll always be near, Darryl; I feel the same way, I value my friends as much as I could ever value a lover, so I won't really be giving you up at all."For long minutes they just held each other tightly and quietly wept, part in happiness and part for what might have been. Neither wanted to be the first to let go of what they had, but finally Azalea gently pushed him away. "Darryl, there is someone waiting for you. Go to her now. Don't call; you have to tell her this in person. Go to her as quickly as possible, because I know her need." I'll leave immediately I can be back by dawn tomorrow. If I know her at all, she'll be waiting on the dock." Wonderful," Azalea said, "I wish I could be there to see her reaction. But it's a private moment between the two of you. Nura and I will be along in a few days."Darryl excused himself and started to go to his room. Lisa cinched the ropes tightly and then reached around and placed the penis gag in Mary's mouth. The pet willingly opened her mouth to accept the gag without protest. Her arms were strained with her elbows pulled back but thanks to all the exercise and dancing she was fairly limber. Her breasts were forced out even further by the bound position.Lisa lowered Mary to the floor and bound her ankles to the ends of the wooden rod. Then she rolled the trussed up pet on to her stomach which was beginning to gurgle. " Now pet I want to to slither under Amy's bed. Be sure to get all the way back so she can't see you. Oh one more thing."Lisa took the item that Mary didn't recognize from the bed and moving around the bound teacher she placed the thing in her pussy, right on her clit. She was wet as usual. Lisa ran the straps snugly around Mary's waist and up through her ass so the the thing wouldn't move from its position.Lisa then explained to her bewildered and embarrassed pet. "That is a.
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